8 Products To Improve Memory. Feed Your Brain!
The human brain loves nuts? Yes, but not just them. The list of offered products is those which are rich in basic nutrients, improve memory, concentration, mood.
The basis of a healthy diet is moderation and diversity.
1. Carbohydrates for the brain – choose complex.
Our brains work on glucose. Without this, the nerve cells begin to die in 15 minutes.

For this purpose it is expedient to use rather complex carbohydrates received from whole-grain products, that is bread from wholemeal flour or brown rice. Simple sugars in the form of sweets, white bread or biscuits increase the level of glucose very quickly, but only for a short time, because the body allocates a large amount of insulin and quickly lowers blood sugar levels. As a result, the brain will be deprived of energy again. It is necessary to remember that sugar load pancreas gland and can lead to excess weight.
It is no secret that the brain consumes more glucose under intense mental exertion.
2. Fish for intellect.
The brain is mainly composed of fat, which is included in the group of fatty acids omega-3. An excellent source of omega-3 acids are sea fish: salmon, tuna, mackerel or cod. Experts recommend their use 2-3 times a week. However, be careful, oily fish is often a storage… Toxins! You can eat fish as a separate dish, such as baked or steamed, or as a supplement to other dishes: as a sandwich or salads.
What else does the world of science say? People who eat fish at least once a week, delay the aging process of nerve cells-good memory, enviable concentration, definitely less risk of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and depression (probably omega-3 acids increase serotonin levels and Dopamine, which allows to maintain good mood and optimism).
3. Blueberry – in the fight against diseases of the brain.
Blueberries According to researchers is unparalleled among other berries in terms of use for the brain.
Blueberry berries have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are considered not only effective weapons in the fight against brain diseases, but also with oncological and cardiac diseases. Blueberries, consumed in large quantities, significantly slows down the process of aging nerve cells, allows you to keep mental performance until the old years.
Mice, which scientists gave blueberries even in old age, were as intellectually healthy as the young representatives of this species.
4. Avocado – relieves stress.
Avocado, an exotic fruit from Central and South America, is becoming more and more affordable in our country. Avocado in 30% consists of easily digestible fats, including already mentioned omega-3 fatty acids, useful for the brain. You can use it instead of oil or margarine (with health benefits). The oily texture makes the ripe fruit very nutritious, you can also make of them exquisite pasta. Anyway, Mexicans, adding a little oil or chilli, prepare their famous guacamole.
Avocado is an excellent source of magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamins C, E, K and B vitamins. In addition, it contains more high-grade and digestible protein than cow’s milk. This fruit contains tyrosine, one of the amino acids that controls brain function, promotes good memory, as well as speed and clarity of thinking. Tyrosine is responsible for the synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine, so he cares about peace of mind and sense of balance.
5. Pumpkin – Emotional balance.
Many connect the pumpkin only with the Halloween holiday. It’s a pity, because it’s a real vitamin-mineral bomb. Are you on a diet? Pumpkin-Hit: It is full of vitamins, although there are very few calories-exactly 32 kcal in 100 grams. This means that the portion of 200 g is the same as the Apple or half of the fruit yogurt.
What is a good pumpkin for the brain? It contains vitamins B and magnesium, as well as lecithin, which contribute to the emotional balance. Pumpkin improves memory, concentration.
It can be in the form of soup, as a supplement to meat sauces, in the company of other vegetables, or as a substitute for mashed potatoes. It is worth knowing that the darker the pulp of the pumpkin, the more vitamin in it. Do not forget about pumpkin seeds that help to remove toxins from the body, and thanks to the high content of magnesium soothe nerves. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a great addition to salads or bread.
6. Walnuts: The eternal youth of the brain.
Look carefully at the walnut. Its structure is similar to the brain. Consider it a hint of nature. Walnuts have a beneficial effect on mental efficiency, concentration and memory. Their regular use slows down the processes of aging of nerve cells and has been proven to protect against neurodegenerative diseases, including from still incurable Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists report that walnuts contain much more antioxidants than any other nuts. Almonds, peanuts, cashews, despite their undeniable taste, should give way to the Greek walnut.
In addition, they are more than 60 percent composed of fats, including valuable unsaturated, which “nourish” the brain. Due to this they are a full-fledged and useful snack.
100 grams of walnuts, slightly more than three pots-it is almost 650 kcal (more or less average dinner). One handful of these nuts will certainly not increase body weight. By counting the calories, we find that it is less than 200 kcal or as many as two chocolate bars. Experts say that the optimal amount is 7 pieces per day.
Do you need more pros? Magnesium, contained in the Greek nuts, soothes, helps maintain a good mood, protects against depression. Iron counteracts anemia. Nuts are also recommended for people with sleep problems as they contain melatonin, which regulates the daily cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
7. Lentils, peas, soy and everything else bean.
Lentils, soy, peas, chickpeas-a good choice. The magnesium and vitamins in the Group B naturally increase the mood, help the nervous system, so you will be more resistant to stress. Bean vegetables are also an excellent source of lecithin that supports memory. With proper preparation they do not cause discomfort at digestion: time of soaking them in water before preparation usually should make from 8 to 12 hours (after this time the processes of fermentation begin). In this water (except soy) we have to cook them.
8. Linseed oil is a source of fats that nourish the brain.
For medical purposes this product was already recommended by the famous Hippocrates. It is a good source of omega-3 acids, which, as we already know, are a kind of construction material for the brain. Nutritionists recommend adding it to salads. This oil has a slightly nutty aftertaste, so its use can be not only useful, but also tasty.