Erection Problems

Fighting psychological impotence

By on May 20, 2019

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction, often referred to in medical literature as “psychological impotence” or “psychogenic impotence,” causes great fear in men.

Fear of being unable to perform full sexual intercourse leads to fact that psychological impotence has become very common problem – it`s diagnosed in about 85% of men seeking help from specialists. Nevertheless, it`s solved by doctors, as modern medicine has wide range of tools to help cope with this dysfunction.

For treatment of psychological impotence, set of measures is important, including drug and non-drug components. At first sign, man should consult doctor, who will select individual therapy program based on symptoms.

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction – what is it and how to cope with violation?

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction is problem that can overtake man at any age. They lead to stress, psychological complexes, difficult relationships in family or with partner, fear of failure during intercourse.

At the same time, physically man is completely healthy. Therefore, in order to quickly deal with problem, you need to contact good specialist. How to cope with psychogenic impotence, sexologist knows. It will help get rid of main features of disease: sudden appearance of symptoms and frequency of their manifestation.

Here it`s important to find out when and why healthy man has problem:

  • Dependence on situation.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Relationship problems.
  • Stress and overload.
  • New partner.
  • Inexperience (in young men).

Main task of work of sexologist with patient is to solve question “How to cope with psychogenic impotence.” If this isn`t done or delayed with going to clinic, there is risk of prolonged potency disorder.

Symptoms and signs of psychogenic impotence

Initial signs of psychogenic impotence can occur in about third of men of reproductive age. Therefore, it`s important not to miss symptoms of psychogenic impotence:

  • Weak erection. Important sign of psychogenic impotence is difficulty of erection, reducing frequency of its occurrence.
  • Lack of situational, but preservation of morning spontaneous erection is also symptom of psychological impotence. This suggests that physically man is healthy.
  • Premature ejaculation. More often it`s not symptom of psychological impotence, but evidence of organic damage to functions. But there are cases when psychological factors led to this problem.

In order to establish intimate life as soon as possible, if you identify at least one of symptoms of psychological erectile dysfunction, it`s important not to delay qualified treatment.

Ways to treat psychogenic impotence

Today, medicine can provide successful treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Therapy is individual. During interaction with patient, doctor suggests following components of treatment of psychogenic impotence, which will help to cope with violations.

Selection of sedatives or antidepressants is important. It`s impossible to self-medicate, since only doctor can take into account all contraindications, side effects, and possible complications. This is important especially in case when treatment of psychological impotence is associated with therapy of depression – there are drugs and treatments for erectile dysfunction, that psychiatrist has right to prescribe not sexologist or psychologist:

  • Psychotherapy. During sessions, specialist will determine causes of decreased libido and lack of erection.
  • Family counseling. They are important for restoring psychological intimacy, since often solving problems in intimate sphere depends on both partners.
  • Elimination of those factors that lead to psychological erectile dysfunction. These may be actions far from medical methods: changing psychological climate at work, changing housing, going on vacation, etc.
  • Yoga, meditation and other practices that reduce mental arousal, relieve signs of stress.
  • Sport or other physical activity.
  • Pleasant hobby.
  • Rest and load reduction at work.

A lot of erectile dysfunction treatment over the counter are used today and you must know about it. Remember, that natural treatment of erectile dysfunction is the best way to increase erection.




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