Cialis vs Levitra
Now men who have problems with potency, can`t worry about anything. Such drugs as Cialis and Levitra will come to rescue. About best male erectile dysfunction pills features and will be discussed further.
Drug cialis
Convenience of this drug is that after drinking pill, you can have sex at any convenient time. Pioneers in use of this drug are England, Finland, Germany, Sweden. In addition to classic drug, manufacturer produces another version of “soft” tablets for sucking.
Main active ingredient of Cialis has relaxing effect on smooth muscles of vessels of cavernous body, which consists of the penis. Among the drugs that fight erectile dysfunction, Cialis is not the best known. If you use it in accordance with the instructions and after consulting doctor, drug will only bring benefit to patient.
For example, perception of blue and green colors is most often violated. This may explain some of side effects of taking this drug. Contraindications to use. If you need to strengthen erectile function and you plan to buy Cialis, be sure to check if you have increased drug Cialis sensitivity to its main component and auxiliary substances that make up product.
Drug Levitra
Levitra Soft contains vardenafil. Substance affects natural mechanisms of arousal, i.e. erection occurs only with visual and tactile contact with partner.
Vardenafil inhibits activity of enzymes of fifth type, produced by corpus cavernosum of penis. As a result, processes of relaxation of soft muscles are improved and amount of blood sufficient for erection is delivered to penis.
Among features of drug should be highlighted:
- Speed.
- Long lasting effect.
- Mild effects on body.
- Minimum percentage of side effects.
Best erectile dysfunction pills over the counter is used as ordinary medication. To reduce risk of health problems, it isn`t recommended to take more than 1 tablet per day. Exceeding permissible rate can cause headache, dizziness, deterioration of functions of cardiovascular system. Note that pills are designed for sucking. Due to this, effect of use is visible in 15-20 minutes, when result comes from usual Levitra in 30-60 minutes.

Cialis and Levitra: comparison of best male erectile dysfunction pills
Both drugs are effective, time-tested and thousands of men. According to research by experts from the United States, effectiveness of drug Cialis – 97% and Levitra –94%. In fact, indicators are the same. If man has arousal, any of them will begin to act actively, ensuring flow of blood to sexual organ.
As you can see, there is no definite answer. Viagra is best over the counter pill for erectile dysfunction. Cialis is most popular because of its long exposure and absence of side effects. Levitra is modern counterpart of Viagra with minimum of side effects.