How to use Cialis for best results?
Many men have certain potency problems. Means Cialis was created specifically to eliminate this situation in middle and older men. Cialis will help patient to restore his natural sexual needs.
This over the counter pills for erectile dysfunction are quite reliable and effective, and also very easy to use. This medical tool can fully restore normal sex life of man, who has long suffered from erectile dysfunction. Article can find detailed answer to question of how to take it.
Tadalafil acts as main active ingredient. That it can significantly improve erectile function. Consumers of drug are men whose erections are short.
Many of them experience irritation and discomfort due to fact that they cannot even satisfy their own wife. To remedy situation is possible with help of presented medical device called Cialis.
Dosage 5 mg
For patients who are sexually active (having sex more than twice a week), it`s recommended to take 5 mg each day (once a day) at about same time. Depending on time of eating there, so drink Cialis is allowed at any convenient time.
Dosage 20 mg
Dose of 20 mg is best taken before sex. It`s allowed to take drug at any time, but it`s possible to achieve best effect of this medication approximately 15-16 minutes before sexual activity. It`s recommended to take drug only once a day.

Drug has sufficiently long duration. It’s about 36 hours. This means that patient doesn`t need to guess time of taking drug. Every man who chooses Cialis should understand that he has nothing to do with stimulant. In order to get positive effect from Cialis, person must have sexual arousal.
Pills for erectile dysfunction over the counter works fine as follows:
- Positive emotions.
- Satisfaction of both partners during act.
- Ability to maintain erection during sex.
- Erection.
Mechanism of Cialis action is quite simple, but benefits of this tool are so great that it can help even in most neglected situations. In particular, this drug inhibits action of PDE5. This enzyme is essential for body. Cialis is able to delay decrease in cGMP. In simple terms, drug extremely effectively restores normal level of erection.
Best over the counter erectile dysfunction pills: application mode
Key indication for use of drug is erectile dysfunction. Cialis was created specifically to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. Before use of pills should consult doctor.
Best over the counter erectile dysfunction pills contains active substance, which is one of key components. Tadalafil is able to influence person quickly enough. This means that Cialis can be drunk not 5 or 10 hours before sexual intercourse, but much earlier. Each organism is individual, therefore, to determine exact time, you should consult with specialist.
Doctor must analyze condition of body and identify any drugs that may cause allergies. If effectiveness of tool is in doubt, then dosage should be adjusted. This procedure should in no case be carried out on its own. It`s better to consult doctor who is well versed in this matter. If man has mild erectile dysfunction, then it is best for him to take 5 mg of this drug. We are talking about those who lead fairly active sex life with his wife.
It`s also worth remembering importance of using this medication at about same time. This will allow body to get used to specific schedule. Another tip that may be important for wide range of consumers is that periodically it`s necessary to evaluate feasibility of using this drug.
Best of all, experienced and qualified doctor will cope with this task. Another feature in use of this medication concerns men who have sex no more than once a week.
In their case, agent is recommended to be applied before planned sexual intercourse, otherwise effectiveness of drug will be significantly reduced. At one time it`s allowed to take no more than 20 mg.
Individual intolerance is one of contraindications that anyone who wants to start taking erectile dysfunction pills over the counter should take into account. Persons whose age is less than 18 years old should also refrain from using this tool. Before use, you should carefully read instructions. In it you can find most important recommendations.