How to use Viagra for best results?
Viagra is best over the counter erectile dysfunction pill, is much more than just a remedy for erectile dysfunction. In fact, it was originally created in order to save people from common cold, and this isn`t all that she can do.
This small miracle drug is used in very many industries, however, in some cases its use is rather controversial issue.
Fighting cancer with best over the counter erectile dysfunction pill
It has been proven that Viagra, when used with powerful and effective anti-cancer drug called doxorubicin, significantly reduces heart damage and also increases ability of drug to fight tumor itself.
Help for couples
At Cairo hospital in Egypt, researchers are experimenting with Viagra to solve problem of dissatisfaction in marriage. Implications of experiments are promising. Of 35 patients in one of studies, 32 were able to overcome their marriage problems after taking Viagra, and majority were able to feel visible effects in less than month after starting drug.
Purpose of study was to find family problems arising from psychogenic erectile dysfunction (problems caused by mental or emotional stress). If results of this study are officially confirmed by science, then Viagra can be considered the best erectile dysfunction pills to solve problems of couples living without sex and under stress.

Conservation of endangered species
In some countries, such as China, traditional methods for treating erectile dysfunction often occur at expense of endangered and protected animals. In fact, one of main factors that influences current population of tigers is excessive demand for tiger bone. Why? For treatment of erectile dysfunction, of course.
Improving athletic performance
Many athletes accept various types of enhancers of their performance, ranging from steroids to body parts of exotic animals. Famous athlete of American football club Chicago Bears says that he knows players who among other things use Viagra, which allegedly “thinns” blood.
In fact, some athletes use Viagra magic to gain competitive advantage.
Others use Viagra to speed up delivery of steroids into their body systems, because it accelerates blood and increases its flow so effectively that human body begins to fight impotence caused by use of steroids. Vicious circle.
In any case, it`s possible that World Anti-Doping Agency isn`t in vain considering possibility of including Viagra in list of prohibited drugs that increase performance of athlete.
Fight against heart disease
Some believe that use of Viagra can be risky for people suffering from heart disease, but new trend shows that, if used correctly, Viagra is really nothing more than main treatment for heart problems, such as heart failure, for example.
It happens when heart isn`t able to pump enough blood to meet needs of body, leading to problems such as difficulty breathing and heartbeat.
Using Viagra can increase capacity of heart to pump blood, thereby strengthening heart, and body is protected from future problems. It`s worth noting that heart failure can lead to erectile dysfunction, so Viagra in this case will be doubly useful.
Helping women to conceive
Effect of all natural erectile dysfunction pills Viagra on male reproductive system of men is well known, however, it can also help women. When used vaginally, Viagra significantly increases blood flow to lining of uterus, giving fertilized egg much better chance of fixation in uterus and continued growth.
factors influence way blood behaves in lining of uterus. Any aspect, ranging
from inflammatory processes and ending with genetic features, can affect both
pregnancy naturally and artificial insemination.