Levitra vs Kamagra Jelly
If you experience difficulties during intercourse or want to temporarily increase potency, we advise you to choose one of two over the counter erectile dysfunction pills – Levitra or Kamagra Jelly. These drugs have quick effect on body, so you are guaranteed to be satisfied with result and your sex life will become brighter. In order to understand how they act, consider features of each generic separately.
Levitra – best erectile dysfunction pills
Story of Levitra begins with discovery of active substance Vardenafil. Initially, it was created for expansion of blood vessels in cardiovascular diseases. However, during tests, it was found that substance also enhances erection. After this discovery, studies of this substance continued with even greater intensity.
It was then that drug Levitra was created, which was based on Vardenafil. Popularity to this drug came first in the United States of America and only years later consumers in Russia and Ukraine learned about it.

What makes this tool different from others?
It`s known that effect of taking Levitra lasts from 6 to 8 hours, while, for example, with Cialis, effect can last up to 36 hours. Why then do people buy Levitra?
Fact is that only Vardenafil helps with sexual disorders associated with diabetes, obesity or hypertension. There are many diseases in which only Vardenafil shows high efficacy, while other drugs have no effect.
It should also be noted an extremely rare manifestation of side effects. For example, when taking Viagra side effects are almost always there. Levitra also has very high rate of action of drug. So, after taking Levitra, effect may come in almost 15-20 minutes.
Undeniable advantage is also compatibility with weak alcohol and low-fat food, and in fact these criteria can be decisive when choosing drug.
Kamagra Jelly
We can present best erectile dysfunction pills Kamagra Jelly as homogeneous orange jelly (with orange flavor) or yellow (with pineapple flavor), with sweet taste and pleasant smell.
Indications for use are the following – erectile dysfunction, characterized by inability to achieve or maintain erection of penis, sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Kamagra is effective only in presence of sexual stimulation.
Dosage and administration
One bag is for one-time use only – open bag and use all contents. Apply strictly under medical supervision. Free trial erectile dysfunction pills should be taken as needed approximately one hour before sexual intercourse. Recommended dose of drug is 50 mg and taken before meals.
Based on effectiveness and tolerability of drug, its dose can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. Maximum recommended dose of drug is 100 mg. Maximum recommended frequency of taking drug is 1 time per day.
These funds to increase potency are very effective, but when comparing them you can see a lot of similarities. Price difference isn`t very big, so if you want to solve problem, simply choose medicine that is best for you. You can try experiment and first use only Levitra, and then go to Kamagra jelly or vice versa. So, it will be possible to understand what suits your best non prescription erectile dysfunction pills.