Propecia vs Proscar
Propecia is drug for hair loss in men and women. It`s recommended by huge amount of doctors.
Propecia description
Propecia is effective drug that affects acute forms of hair loss in men of different age groups. Drug fights with disease that has hereditary form: it doesn`t affect focal alopecia, as well as alopecia, which was caused by lack of vitamins or other beneficial substances in patient’s body.
Numerous clinical trials have shown that Propecia is number one drug in eliminating lesion. Acting quickly and efficiently, it`s eliminated from body in matter of hours. Excellent effects of drug are confirmed by numerous positive reviews from those who have already managed to try this tool in action.
Propecia is available in form of small tablets, which are shown for use exclusively by males. In just few months, they allow you to completely normalize natural process of hair growth, both in area of crown and on forehead.
Action of Propecia
Main function of erectile dysfunction treatment with Propecia is to instantly block formation of substance DHT. Despite fact that patient can see visible results only after few weeks, this process is activated after taking first pills. In most cases, hair grows at rate of one centimeter per month.

Proscar helps reduce size of enlarged prostate gland, improve urine flow and minimize symptoms associated with development of adenoma. Proscar’s active ingredient is finasteride. Effectiveness of drug Proscar in treatment of prostatic hyperplasia is associated with properties of its active ingredient, finasteride.
It blocks activity of enzyme, which converts testosterone to dehydrotestosterone and reduces its content in blood and tissues of prostate gland, which reduces growth of prostate adenoma. Positive reviews of Proscar indicate that with course of use of this drug, process of urination is restored, and prostate gland is significantly reduced in size.
Indications for use
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with Proscar is prescribed to patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Systematic administration of drug prevents development of urological complications and possible surgical interventions. Instructions to Proscar also indicate that it can be prescribed to men as effective prophylactic with enlarged prostate gland to reduce its size and improve urine flow.
Mode of application
Proscar take one tablet per day regardless of meal. Duration of course of treatment is usually not less than 6-7 months, however, in some cases, expected result of therapy may appear earlier. Numerous reviews about Proscar confirm its high efficacy in hyperplasia, both as independent drug and in combination with Doxazosin, vasodilator drug used in hypertension.
Side effects
Proscar is usually well tolerated by patients. In some cases, its use can cause number of side effects: On part of endocrine system: pain and enlargement of mammary glands. On part of reproductive system: decreased libido, pain in testicles, impotence, impaired ejaculation and decrease in volume of ejaculate.
Allergic reactions: pruritus, rash, urticaria, angioedema of face and lips. With prolonged treatment for erectile dysfunction with Proscar, there is no increase in intensity and frequency of side effects in patients, and number of cases of sexual dysfunction provoked by taking this drug decreases with prolonged therapeutic course.
Interaction of erectile dysfunction treatment with other drugs
No clinically significant interaction of Proscar with other drugs was found. Apparently, Proscar doesn`t have noticeable effect on activity of isoenzymes of cytochrome P450 system and on pharmacokinetics of drugs, in metabolism of which these isoenzymes take part.
So, both medications are useful for different people. Consult with your doctor to choose right one, follow the instructions and everything will be okay.