Rosemary In Folk Medicine. Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Medicinal-evergreen plant belongs to the Yasnotkovyh family.
Practical Benefits
Young leaves of the plant are used in medicine as a home remedy for radiculitis. The Bushes bloom in April and May.
This plant contains a large amount of essential oil (up to 2%).

The main advantage of this shrub is the essential oil, which is used for treatment. It is important to collect raw materials in time, and dry at a temperature of no more than +35 *.
Due to the minerals, which carries this plant, the physiological role of the shrub and its assistance in the rehabilitation of the human body is determined:
- Stimulates blood circulation;
- Increases low blood pressure;
- stimulates digestion;
- Affects gas education;
- Treats depression;
- Relieves arthritis pain.
Properties of rosemary are used in obesity and rejuvenation.
Use of rosemary
People respectfully treat Rosemary for its curative actions, which it has on the body. It is a full-fledged medicinal plant and is used in folk medicine in the form of:
- Tinctures;
- Decoctions;
- Compresses.
The infusion of dried grass helps to improve the condition of the digestive organs, it is taken by people after a stroke, it increases the pressure – it should be borne in mind by people with elevated arterial pressure.
Rosemary can be treated with inflammation of the throat, and in general this infusion can be used in diseases of the respiratory tract, it relieves swelling on the legs with the help of compresses.
People say that Rosemary is for the acute mind and good memory. The plant activates mental activity. Students sniff oil or rosemary twigs before the exam.
Rosemary tea is useful, it is accepted after the transferred infectious diseases, for example, at a flu. Tea will help to relieve the attack of heartburn. In addition, tea is useful for headaches and memory impairment, is used for lotions and rubbing. For making tea use purified or thawed water.
Rosemary baths are used to treat gout, boils and neuralgia pains, reduce inflammation on the skin. But it is necessary to remember that such baths tone and take them before bedtime is not desirable.
Such baths have proved to be positive, as they get a positive effect after their use.
Of particular interest is the essential oil of rosemary. This valuable tool is well studied. It has the healing power of this medicinal shrub.
At a headache, it is applied lightly on whiskey and on a forehead.
Rosemary, as a medicinal shrub, has properties that are officially confirmed:
- Tonic property;
- Anti-inflammatory property;
- Pain-relieving property.
With all the uniqueness of Rosemary there are contra-indications. It is not recommended to use the recipes based on rosemary pregnant, people with epilepsy disease and hypertension.
Plant Care Board
This plant is difficult to grow on the windowsill.
Emits in the air light aroma almost not noticeable, and destroys the disease-causing bacteria. The room has a light aroma and freshness.
Requires lighting at least 6 hours a day. Window is south or west. Every two days turning for the uniform development of the Crown. Air temperature on the balcony in summer +20 * or +25 * on the balcony, in winter not higher than +13 * C.
In the summer watered abundantly and sprayed. In winter watering is reduced and in a pallet keep damp kermzoit.
Fertilize once a month, fertilizer bred twice.
Transplant every year in April. Replace the upper layer of the earth 5 cm. To not rot roots, requires drainage.
Pruning is done in winter or early spring-it stimulates the growth of the plant.
They multiply with cuttings. Preliminary, a stalk put in a glass with water for occurrence of roots. Then planted in a clay pot, it has roots breathe. Thus do drainage that roots did not rot. The earth mixture is used for “Rose”, which is first spilled with manganese water.
Airing is required as the plant becomes ill when the air is stagnant.