Viagra and Cialis: which one is better?
After appearance of drug Viagra, which is popular all over the world, real breakthrough occurred in treatment of erectile dysfunction in stronger sex. After some time, market was replenished with Cialis with similar effects. At the same time on forums continue disputes related to Viagra and Cialis which is better and how they act on man’s body?
Action drugs
If we talk about Viagra action, then it begins half an hour after taking it. It is characterized by increased sexual desire, increased stamina and muscle tone, addition of energy. Due to effect of drug can quickly achieve powerful and strong erection, which allows sexual intercourse several times longer. Duration of Viagra is about 4 hours. Drug itself works extremely gently: it begins and ends smoothly, doesn`t cause stress in main organs.
Cialis also has fast and powerful effect. Drug is based on inhibitor Tadalafile, relaxing smooth muscles of penis and enhancing blood flow to body. Under action of medication, there is increase in erection, increase in sensitivity of nerve endings. As for emotional sensations of sexual intercourse, they become as bright and pleasant as possible. Effect of the drug appears only 15 minutes after taking, and duration reaches 36 hours.

Features of pills for erectile dysfunction usage
These best erectile dysfunction pills aren`t aimed at treating dysfunction itself, but difficulty of filling penis with blood. Active ingredient contributes to expansion of blood vessels, which allows you to maintain stable erection. Specificity of its use consists of narrowly targeted effect, which is directly dependent on dosage and features of intake. Viagra’s instructions contain clear information on how to take medicine:
- Blue pill erectile dysfunction should be drunk about half an hour before planned intimate proximity.
- Primary intake usually starts with minimum dose of 25 mg. It`s forbidden to exceed dose by more than 90-100 mg.
Instructions for Cialis described the following:
- It`s forbidden to increase number of receptions per day. It`s permissible to take one pill immediately before contact.
- In presence of abnormalities or pathologies of health, dosage reduction is recommended.
So, what pills for erectile dysfunction is better to choose? It all depends on individual preferences of stronger sex. For example, to get quick erection, it is recommended to make choice on Cialis. In this case, Viagra is time-tested drug of first generation, which begins to act after 30-40 minutes.